
About Me

Hi, I'm Teri.  I love textures, color and creating with them.  I sew, quilt, embroider, bead, draw and paint.  I can't choose any one of those hobbies over another.

I live with Byron, ThiZbie, Calvin and DaiZy.  One of those is a husband, one is a terriorist and the other two are doxies.  We live in the rural foothills of North Carolina.

I love my family, loud music, sunrises, babies, sand and salt water, children, cottages, spring's first flower, beaches, furry critters, a good pun, grass under bare feet, citrus smells, poetry, summertime, cut flowers, audiobooks, a perfect composition, live theatre, Shakespeare, laughing, drawing, swimming, traveling, grilling, gardening and savoring dark chocolate. I try to love God, but he mostly loves me.

I love to create.  It's how I fill my days.

updated 2012-04-06